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Creative Commons License
Being alonE by Sumitesh Hota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License.
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What I found in YOU …

What I found in YOU ...

A place so secure,
What could I want more?

A really caring heart,
And so much love that’s for sure.

An embarrass which is so warm,
And I know it will never harm.

A softy hand and cutest palm,

                                            A heavenly touch; which make me calm.                                                                                         
Two sea deep eye; where I can swim,
You are so lovely; you are my queen.

Your super smooth’s chicks and a pretty dimple,
Yours so natural looks; which is just so simple.

A cute nose with an interesting curve,
And your magical fragrance which higher my nerve.

Yours strong and curly hair,
I will swing there with no fear.   

Yours two simple sweet ears,
Which mystified me, that’s I swear.

You’re so gentle charming lips,
Where my tongue always slips.

And my favorite natural-black-dark-small-beauty-spot,
Where I always found myself; get lost.

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